
Wednesday 4 February 2015

An Introduction and a Purpose

There are many types of blogs out there. Some are for personal use, and others professional. I used to have a personal blog, but--to be honest--I got tired of blogging about things that mattered to me, but not many others. I want this blog to be different. I want this blog to explore questions about faith, life and theology and ultimately I want this blog to give glory to Him who sits on the throne (hence the title for the blog!). 

For those of you who don't know me (or perhaps, know little about me), I am trying to be a passionate follower of Jesus Christ (the one who sits on the throne). I don't have it all together as most of us don't, and I'm coming to the realization that this is okay. 

I am a Children's Director at a local church here in Edmonton. I recently graduated from Vanguard College where I received a Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies (this is just a fancy name for missions), and minored in both Children and Family Studies as well as Pastoral Ministry. While, this seems like a random conglomerate of unrelated fields of study, I see them as intrinsically interconnected and essential in building up the Body of Christ in North America. 

More recently, I am studying at Taylor Seminary in the field of Intercultural Studies. As you can see I have a huge passion for God's mission for the Church--both inside and outside of North America. I want this blog to be a place where I can engage both Scripture and culture and ask difficult questions, but, as I said before, I want this blog to give God all the glory. 

Feel free to engage in discussion and ask me questions! 

To Him Who Sits on the Throne

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