
Wednesday 11 February 2015

Inspiration for the Blog

So at the beginning of January I took a class on the book of Revelation. To be honest, I was super excited about taking this class, as there are many different views that people take on this particular biblical book, and I just wanted to immerse myself in it. What I learned while I was in that class has stuck with me and really made me realize who I was serving.

Whether you are a pre-, post- or amillenial, the fact of the matter is that the millennium is an extremely small component in this apocalypse. Of the 22 chapters in this book, that section is only six verses! It amazes me that some people make this to focus on this book when the real focus is completely different.

The real focus of the book is surrounded in the answer to this question: Who sits on the throne? (Hence the title to this blog).

The answer to this question is obviously God is the one who sits on the throne. When I read through Revelation 4 and 5, this hit me like a brick. Chapter 4 is describing the throne room scene. It describes this beautiful scene of God who is depicted with the appearance of jasper and carnelian surrounded by 24 elders with golden crowns and before the throne was a floor like a sea of glass. Behind the throne is a rainbow and there are flashes of lightening and sounds of thunder. This image depicts the power and majesty of God on high, the one who came to save his people. What a beautiful image to open this prophetic book. In the same section, the four creatures are crying "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was an is and is to come!" (Rev. 4:8). The elders are also crying out "Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things and by your will they existed and were created" (Rev. 4:11).

What an amazing scene that not only shows his power and glory, but also provides comfort to believers. Now, for 1st century believers, this scene would show them that it is God who sits on the throne and not the Roman Empire. They were living at a time when this would have been imperative to remember this fact. And this is so true for today. It is crucial that believers remember who actually sits on the throne and is in control of the world. It is so easy for us to forget or loose focus, but we must remember that it is God who sits on the throne in heaven and sovereignly oversees his creation.

Let us always remember and celebrate the fact that God is the one who sits on the throne of heaven and lets worship and serve him alone.

To Him Who Sits on the Throne

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